139th Episode
Velda has some concerns about James being as it's come to her attention that he's missed a few sessions at school as well as the Korna Klub, she phones home to check in on him. Colin gets word with his sister Via phone, Patricia tries to heal the rift in the Family regards Colin's 'Coming out' as Gay. Barrington tracts down Monica & calls to demand an explanation as to why she has disappeared without no apparent reason. Monica assures him she'll explain as soon as she's ready. Live link-ups via Ancesstington & London.
138th Episode
Issac & Ana have & talk & exchange some cultural references after she makes the nature of their relationship clear. They finish off the evening @ the Bacchanals Wine Bar where Issac meets an old 'accomplice'!!
137th Episode
George Armatidge & Issac finally reach some sort of reconciliation. Sanctuary & Issac have some differences of opinion that are yet to be resolved.
136th Episode
Issac finally comes up with some sort financial breakdown for his project & show this to Martha, she has to inform him about the correct procedure. Marlon decides to speak with Fiona regards a conversation he had with her Cousin Tanika & wanted to get Fiona's take on it, before it became too awkward Issac crashed in on the scene seeking some guidance. Issac & Velda look at possible themed evenings @ Bacchanals, they disagree re-the idea of Halloween! Patricia continues her support of Martha & asks her 'Why don't you leave him' .
135th Episode
Velda pay a visit to Dr Rizal for a routine consultation. Issac goes to see Martha about his project & enquires re- funding applications with the hope of not having to deal solely with George Armatidge. Issac & Velda speak about the chances of getting promotion at the Bacchanals Wine Bar, Velda questions his ability to focus & his prior experience. Patricia has a chance meeting with Martha & they catch up with what's happening in her Marriage
134 Episode
Issac meets up with Tanika again but has some unresolved Issues that he's not too sure if he can share with her. Tanika is baby siting again, this time she has Sophie & Baby Shaque. Sophie still has issues with her parents & has some needs. Issac passes by to correct his earlier conversation but his timing is not ideal & maybe talks out of turn.
133 Episode
Issac & George meet to look the funding application but Issac is not sure how sincere George is!! Is he helping or trying to hinder? Tanika is baby sitting Sophie & realises she has some concerns regards her parents proposed 'Wedding' plus other issues. Issac & Tanika meet up to solidify their relationship!!
132th Episode
Tanika & Issac declare their feeling for each other or maybe mixing business & pleasure. Marlon wishes to give some advice to Issac. Tanika confronts Marlon at his shop regards what she thinks going on with him & he Cousin Fiona.
131th Episode
Issac & Ana meet up for chat & to compare their experiences of running community projects.
Tanika happens to 'pass by' Bacchanals during Issac's shift & makes him an offer he can't refuse!! Fiona baby sits her sister Sophia & they compare notes on their Father's (Winston) parenting, as well as Wedding plans & bridesmaid dresses. Fiona & Tanika catch up for some girl talk.
130th Episode
This episode deals with closure. George Armatidge finally confronts Issac 'Pecker' about his suspicions that it was he 'pecker' that stabbed him.

129th Episode
Martha chairs her 1st meeting as 'official' acting Centre Manager with Ana & Issac to update all regards the Muriel & other projects. Issac again tries to tell Sanctuary he's no longer wanting to continue with his former activities.

128th Episode
Matt informs Martha he's taking up another position & he's making her interim office manager. Martha gives Issac some positive feedback regards his work. George Armatidge asks Issac for his personal details in order to help him with some funding applications but Issac is suspicious as to why? Issac shows his displeasure at an incident of Police harassment outside Ancesstington Police station.

127th Episode
Issac receives some good advice on business matters from Marlon @ the local Mini Mart. Sanctuary has some business idea's of his own!! Issac seems to want to move away from this business model but Sanctuary reminds him of past incident & insists they're STILL in business. As Winston prepares for his forth coming Wedding to Michelle he also decides to help Issac by offering him his experience, or is he jumping on the band wagon? Tension filled Live Improvised Drama plus post show feedback listener interaction.

126th Episode
Velda & Aminata explore the possibility of helping each with child care. Issac gets some feedback from Velda as regards his projects at the Centre & bumps into George Armatidge, but it seems Issac isn't too keen on over familiarising himself with George who still has his prior detective ways about himself. Percy Marshal passes though the centre & tries to ask if George could do some investigation on his behalf!! Issac bumps into Aminata by chance & reveals a secret part of her life!!!

125th Episode
Issac visits the local Mini Mart 'Pamojah's to purchase some provisions for his project He makes a deal with the owner Marlon. Velda goes to the Korna Klub Café to speaks with Monica about the possibility of getting any of her 'left overs' being as her usual help has closed down 'Food Bank'. Winston also visits the Kona Klub Café to organise some food for his forth coming Wedding to Michelle the mother of his Daughter Sophia. Winston reassures Michelle that he is Serious about his commitment to her & Sophia, Michelle expresses her reservations. Issac reports back to his project Leader Nike with an update. At the Bacchanals wine Bar Velda & Issac are now in post & decide to mark the occasion with some 'free drinks'

124th Episode
Isaac meets with Nike regards their community project. They bring the plans to Martha for finalisation. Andrea looses her job at the food bank and asks Velda if she knows who 'grassed' her up for giving her preferential treatment!! Velda bumps into Dr Rizal in the local Wine Bar whilst waiting for her blind date!!. Issac meets with Tanika at 'Baccanals' wine bar for a planning meeting but finds there's more on offer!! Sophia expresses her feelings about the possibilities of her Mum marrying her Dad Winston.

123rd Episode
Winston is informed by Tanika about the latest 'Revelations' in the Henry Family!! They also have differing views on the 'Emancipation' march. Winston decides to 'pop the Question' to Michelle! Issac decides to rally as many people to join him in traveling to London for the March but he may have over committed with promises to Monique & Monica.

122nd Episode
Winston returns to Ancesstington to a mixed reception.!! Issac being the 'new kid on the block' wasn't so impressed. Elesha & Winston exchange 'mixed messages' Is Winston really considering to Marry Michelle again?!! Another day Ancesstington

121st Episode
Local Councillor Percy Marshal gets word with a local man (Issac ) at the Korna Klub Café with a view to getting his views on the 'Brexit' vote. Issac bumps into Alphia whilst shopping at the local Mini Mart, she reminds him of a 'deal' they'd struck!! Sanctuary and Issac meet for a catch-up, he informs him of what's happened since last... including a very concerning issues from their murky past!! Alphia, Issac & Sanctuary meet up the wine bar where Alphia is at her manipulative best!!!

120th Episode
George pays a visit to the food bank where he finds Andrea very accommodating!!!
Anna & Angela have a difference of opinion about their roles on the Mural Project.!
Angela continues her quest to immerse herself into the community by paying a visit to Andrea @ the food bank, is she stepping on Anna's toes.? Anna steps up her game by paying a visit to George regards his group & her projects. Anna & Angela meet @ a Wine Bar for a clear the air chat, as Issac tries to make an impression. George also meets Issac & feels he's met him before!!!

119th Episode
Velda & Issac re-acquaint themselves with each other before their job interview @ the Bacchanal wine bar with the broad minded owner Loveleen. Velda informs he new friend at the food bank centre of her possible change of fortune, Andrea seems now to be taking 'orders' at the food bank for Velda. !! Dr Rizal gives Dorothy some stern advice regards her health before she thinks of traveling! Author & Dotty try to solve some of their Marital problems.

118th Episode
Matt has a catch-up with staff at the Centre Starting with Barrington who appears pleased with his course but has some other concerns re-post EU vote issues! Anna is not pleased with the news that a decision has been made about the Mural with out any consultation. George & Matt appear to bond along political line. Isaac go's on a tangent re-the EU vote. Matt thinks he may be working too hard so pays a visit to Dr Rizel.

117th Episode
Dorothy confides in Father Clifford regards the issues she's facing. Matt pops into the local Supermarket & get word with the owner Marlon. Marlon's not too keen on Matt's choice of words!!!. Dorothy & Matt have a catch up @ the Korna Klub office, Dorothy takes control of things!!

116th Episode
Althea tries to enlist the help of Robert's Uncle Colin regards seeing her Son Shack. Max Moves in a new lodger!! Dotty visits her GP. Velda pays another visit to the ' Foo bank'

115th Episode
Percy Marshal enters Korna Klub and Gives instructions to Monique & Monica regards his arrangements for Euro elections event. Monica & Marlon meet to sort out the arrangements for their daughter's for the summer holidays. Sanctuary is up to his usual schemes with young James before he visits his Mother

114th Episode
Ranjit seeks council with Father Clifford regards his return to work at the Korna Klub after his suspension . James & Velda prepare for the up coming summer holidays. Shirley chairs a meeting that sees the return of Ranjt, not all are comfortable with the arrangements, least of all Martha. We also hear about the progress of the proposed Muriel. Monica lets Ranjit know her feelings about his return & how she feels about his conduct with Martha.

112th Episode
Martha agonies over her constant abuse, She decides to put a stop to people mistreating her starting with Ranjit. He misreads the situation but than has some deep thoughts.
Episode 112

111th Episode
Issac tries to make 'friends' with Fiona at the wine bar. Velda seeks some help &'left-overs' from Monica @ the Cafe'. Velda & James begin to feel the financial pinch.
Episode 111

110th Episode
Andrea & Monique strongly challenge a request from Matt Lane for Statistics on food bank users. Andrea has to remind Velda that there's a process to receiving food as Velda & James give her 'guilt trip'. Issac & Velda speak openly as they wait for their Job interview at Bacchanals. Velda & James struggle with lunch as Aminata has concerns for her Daughter's whereabouts. Andrea & Monica catch-up with the latest gossip at the Cafe'. Nike catches up with Issac as regards their proposed project. Aminata frets over her daughter Gifty.
Episode 110

109th Episode
Matt Lane the new Centre Manager arranges some extra training for Barrington. George enters the meeting to update on the carers support group & some other issues. Dorothy & Patricia share a meal & have a Heart to Heart to ease the pain of the recent revelation. Pat confronts Sylvia regards what Dorothy told her.!! Matt Lane chairs a meeting with Dorothy to update on the Muriel & introduce Ana & Angela. Matt also meets with Nike & Issac regards their new 'Empowerment project. Matt relaxes with Ana at Baccanals wine bar after a hard day, Ana has some concerns about who knows about their living arrangements.
Episode 109

108th Episode
Sylvia & Patricia catch up with Patricia coming to terms with their new 'relationship'. Anna introduces herself to Barrington to inform him about the Muriel & get some advice. Dorothy calls a meeting with Matt & Barrington to sort out some issues. Fiona tries to tell Dorothy about her feelings for Marlon who's 25 years older, she changes the subject to Uncle Colin. Colin returns from New York to hear some more shocking news.
Episode 108

107th Episode
Velda visits the food bank where Andrea tells her about the process of receiving food. Matt Lane meets with Martha & Ana who introduces her Assistant / Volunteer Angela no the Muriel. Alphia visits Robert's sister Fiona to try locate him & her Son Shack with little success. Father Clifford brings Dorothy up -to -date about the position of Ranjit re- missing funds as well as her Issues in dealing her son's Sexuality. Patricia & Sylvia try to get an understanding on how to manage the fallout of what was revealed. Alphia then visits Roberts Mother Eleesha to try make peace & to see Shaque but......
Episode 107